March 05, 2008

Color is my Girlfriend : Yellow

I don't know what it is lately but I cannot get enough of yellow! Maybe it's all the dreariness of gross late winter weather that has my psyche begging for some sunshine, but I've been cruising around the internet looking for bright, happy things to share with you, and here they are:

1. Fabulous full length apron from Anthropologie (I don't understand half length aprons - food flies everywhere when I cook, not just below the waist!)
2. Sweet little colander that actually measures 10" across, also from Anthropologie
3. Cheery side dish bowl, which I actually use a smaller version on my night stand table as a catch all (jewelry, lip balm, bobby pins, etc) from Anthropologie
4. This top would be fabulous as a layering piece, from Anthropologie
5. New bib necklace from Paraphernalia, one of the most successful shops on etsy whose home base is in England
6. Gerbera card from Blush Publishing
7. Um, Hi card from The Bonbi Forest


Kelly said...

love this! i'll take one of each.

FYI: the contest just went up!

Jamie said...

Oh my goodness!!!

Must...have...the...apron! I don't get half length ones either, most of the mess is on the top half when I am cooking. Crazy.

orange you lucky! said...

I too am a big fan of the yellow and Anthropologie!
Nice blog you have here!:)