May 10, 2009

Do you have tickets? To the bead show!

So, once again the Intergalactic Bead Show is coming to town and once again, I will be out of town at a craft show. They usually send me free tickets, which is awesome, and I hate to waste them, so would anyone like to have them? I have two of them and if you want them, they're YOURS! The show is May 30th & 31st at the Fairgrounds, from 10am-5pm both days. I always find cool stuff - not just beads but chain, findings, and other groovy components. For more info about the show, visit and if you want the tickets, holla! Or just contact me at beth(at!)freshieandzero(dot)com.


Jessica said...

Ooohhh I'd LOVE tickets! Are they still available? I went last year and found some great stuff, too.

<3 Jessica

freshie (and zero) said...

They're yours! I just sent you an email.